As a Business Financial Consultant working on the Employee Retention Credit, I've researched what happens for small business owners after the ERC refund checks are mailed and cleared to have a comprehensive understanding of the process and overall impact.What is the ERC?The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is a refundable tax...
Business Plans: 5 Keys To A Successful Deck
Starting a small business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. One of the most important steps you can take to ensure your success is to create a well-crafted business plan. A business plan is a roadmap that outlines your business goals, strategies, and...
Thrive With the ERC
Get much needed working capital with the Employee Retention Credit!
A Fresh Start: Using Disappointment to Fuel Your Dream Business
Author: Courtney Rosenfeld Have you recently experienced a career setback? Whether it’s being laidoff, not getting the promotion you were after, or dealing with difficult coworkers, these situations can be hard to deal with. But don’t let a setback define your career — consider starting your own business instead. Keep...
How Business Owners Can Protect Themselves From Inflation
Author: Courtney Rosenfeld Running a business requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice, so it can be particularly frustrating when your business is under threat from a force beyond your control. Inflation can cause significant losses to your business’s profit margins and cause you to lose customers or...
How Senior Entrepreneurs Can Harness Technology to Market a Startup
Author: Courtney Rosenfeld If you are a senior considering a business startup, you're in good company. According to the Small Business Administration, business owners 55 and older account for 51% of employers and 35% of businesses without employees. Senior entrepreneurs are statistically more likely to thrive. According to a study...
Got Business Debt? Read This
Image via Unsplash Article Content: Courtney Rosenfeld Is your small business swimming in seemingly bottomless debt? If so, you're not alone. According to data from the Small Businesses Voices survey conducted by Goldman Sachs, 40% of small businesses in the United States “have less than three months of cash reserves.”...